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Children’s Bible Classes on Sunday

We have classes for all ages starting at 9:30

We have a Cradle Roll class available.

Pre-School, 3, 4 & 5 yr olds, taught by Emily Alvarado

Kindergarten thru 5th Grade, taught by Carolyn Sparks

Adult Bible Classes on Sunday Morning

Tracy Boughton is teaching a class located in the auditorium.

Jeff Gwinup is teaching a class on “The Book of John,” located in the classroom just off the foyer.


Peak of the Week on Wednesday

Bruce Eubank is leading our “Peak of the Week” Wednesday night Bible class for adults at 6:30 p.m.  The study is “Ephesians.”  We hope you will join us!

We live stream our Bible Study at 6:30pm on our Peak of the Week Bible Study page on Facebook.

Ladies Bible Class

There is a class taught by Emily Alverado on the second Saturday of the month. The lessons come from the book, “Precious Plans for Precious Women.” Class begins at 4:30pm.


Serving Our Kids

We participate by helping to pack meals for the Serving Our Kids Foundation. They provide meals for the weekends for kids who would otherwise go hungry. We collect and donate food items, then we assist in packing individual sacks of food to be passed out to kids in our community. Another way we let our light shine in the Las Vegas/Henderson Valley. This is only when school is in session.

Flowers for Kenya

The Ladies at South Valley are collecting change each month to send to schoolgirls in Kenya to buy supplies for their monthly feminine needs. David Marube heads up the missionary work there. His wife Bassy teaches at the school where the schoolgirls attend. Through this effort by our ladies, many girls have been helped and as a result will not miss any school due to this issue.

Interactive Bible Reading Plan

from World Video Bible School

Click on the Link to download the schedule with video helps throughout the year
